Shared Brand Configs API
Shared Brand Configs | Share a BrandConfig (Theme)Update a shared themeUn-share a BrandConfig (Theme) |
This is how you can share Themes with other people in your account or so you can come back to them later without having to apply them to your account
A SharedBrandConfig object looks like:
// The shared_brand_config identifier.
"id": 987,
// The id of the account it should be shared within.
"account_id": "",
// The md5 (since BrandConfigs are identified by MD5 and not numeric id) of the
// BrandConfig to share.
"brand_config_md5": "1d31002c95842f8fe16da7dfcc0d1f39",
// The name to share this theme as
"name": "Crimson and Gold Verson 1",
// When this was created
"created_at": "2012-07-13T10:55:20-06:00",
// When this was last updated
"updated_at": "2012-07-13T10:55:20-06:00"
Share a BrandConfig (Theme) SharedBrandConfigsController#create
POST /api/v1/accounts/:account_id/shared_brand_configs
Create a SharedBrandConfig, which will give the given brand_config a name and make it available to other users of this account.
Request Parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description | |
shared_brand_config[name] | Required | string |
Name to share this BrandConfig (theme) as. |
shared_brand_config[brand_config_md5] | Required | string |
MD5 of brand_config to share |
Example Request:
curl 'https://<canvas>/api/v1/accounts/<account_id>/shared_brand_configs' \
-F 'shared_brand_config[name]=Crimson and Gold Theme' \
-F 'shared_brand_config[brand_config_md5]=a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4' \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
Update a shared theme SharedBrandConfigsController#update
PUT /api/v1/accounts/:account_id/shared_brand_configs/:id
Update the specified shared_brand_config with a new name or to point to a new brand_config. Uses same parameters as create.
Example Request:
curl -X PUT 'https://<canvas>/api/v1/accounts/<account_id>/shared_brand_configs/<shared_brand_config_id>' \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" \
-F 'shared_brand_config[name]=New Name' \
-F 'shared_brand_config[brand_config_md5]=a1f113321fa024e7a14cb0948597a2a4'
Un-share a BrandConfig (Theme) SharedBrandConfigsController#destroy
DELETE /api/v1/shared_brand_configs/:id
Delete a SharedBrandConfig, which will unshare it so you nor anyone else in your account will see it as an option to pick from.
Example Request:
curl -X DELETE https://<canvas>/api/v1/shared_brand_configs/<id> \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'